means doing it right
when no one is looking ”
Henry Ford
Digestion Webquest


Eating Disorders Webquest


Abstinence Webquest


Skin Safety Webquest


Physical Education and Health


Exercise --  Being physically active offers benefits far beyond the obvious. (Of course, an improved physique and a clean bill of health aren't too shabby, either.)  If you've been looking for the motivation to begin an exercise program or get back into working out regularly, here are 10 fitness facts that may help inspire you to get off the couch. Read more

Nutrition -- Did you know that most children don’t eat a balanced meal? Did you know that over 80% of children don’t eat enough of the healthy foods their body needs for proper nourishment. This can affect their concentration and learning ability in school. Did you know that more and more children are overweight today? This can lead to a lifetime of health problems including diabetes or heart disease. Read more
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